Friday, September 27, 2019

Ethics in Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Ethics in Business - Assignment Example Discussion A utilitarian approach holds that the morally right course of action is the one that produces the greatest balance of benefits over harms in any situation for everyone affected. Utilitarianism aims at producing benefits regardless of whether they were arrived at by lies, coercion or manipulation. This approach argues that; individuals ought to do whatever produces more total happiness than doing anything else would. This means that the morally right action is the one that will most likely maximize utility. ‘The highest good is the good will.’ This is the Kantian approach argument which states that to act from a good will is to act from duty. An action is made good by the intentions behind it rather than the consequences. Motives of self-interest cannot contaminate truly moral actions since an action is truly moral only if it is morally motivated. The major assumption of this approach is that actions that enhance the bottom line are acts of self-interest (this is well illustrated from Hugo’s case). Aristotle and other Greek philosophers came up with the Justice/ Fairness Approach to ethics which states that; ‘equals should be treated equally and un equals unequally’. ... The seven step decision making model is useful in making better decisions. Every decision making model applied begin with identifying the problem that requires a decision making process to be established. The seven step decision making model, developed by Rick Roberts, is detail oriented and it is preferred to have as much knowledge as possible concerning the decision. Hugo, an assistant brand manager for a floor cleaning system, has for a long time been disturbed by the marketing practices in the company that promulgate the physical attractiveness phenomenon. From Hugo’s case, there are various ethical issues that require a decision making process be established and the possible courses of action undertaken. The ethical issues that this case presents are clear. Identifying these ethical issues being the first step of the decision making process, this case is a clear indication of favouritism and discrimination according to the justice approach to decision making. The marketin g practices used in this case promulgate the physical attractiveness phenomenon. Appearance of the company’s products is being depicted through physical attractiveness to serve as an informational cue from which extensive information of the products is inferred. This triggers assumptions causing powerful effects that are beneficial for individuals whose appearance is higher in physical attractiveness and detrimental for individuals whose appearance is lower in physical attractiveness. According to the utilitarian approach, this course of action produces maximum benefits for the company at large. This case continues to argue that it is financially advantageous to use physically

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