Monday, September 30, 2019

Color and Psychological Functioning: The Effect of Red Essay

INTRODUCTION The research is conducted to study whether or not the color influence arousal. Color is everywhere. Everyone encounters different colors everyday. Our perceptual experiences are greatly affected by the different colors surrounding us. Past studies have reported that color do affect our physics, physiology and psychology but there is a scarcity of literature regarding color perception and its effects on our psychological functioning (Fehrman & Fehrman, 2004; Whitfield & Wiltshire, 1990). Only few studies have been done earlier to support this hypothesis that red color has negative affect on performance. Elliote et al. (2007) hypothesized that red color impair performance because it evokes avoidance motivation. Different studies have focused on effect of color on performance achievement and the positive role of color in achieving high performance. Some studies have reported the influence of red color on psychological performance. Researchers have been trying to find out those colors that would achieve high performance and improve learning capability among students. According to Goldstein (1942) our body interacts with different colors and reacts, which is manifested in our psychological functioning. He proposed the idea that few colors are disagreeable for human perception and hence when we perceive them their outcomes negate our performance. Similarly, some colors are agreeable and have positive impact on our performance. Those with longer wavelength are arousing (red) and have negative impact on our performance while those with shorter wavelength (neutral) are cooling and calming and have positive impact on our performance. Audio and visual stimuli increases blood flow in cerebral cortex has been used as an affordable technique for different kind of diseases (Othmer, 2004). Whatever the stimulant be, arousal is a factor that attracts and alerts the brain. Arousal from music can have varying impact. Music that is fast arouses brain function while classical music may have just the opposite affect. Rock music is arousal while classic music is calming. Studies have reported that audio-visual entertainment can be used as stimulant for brain to work actively (Othmer, 2004). Arousal is an important part of our brain functioning. Brain’s cortical arousal is said to be directly correlated with the improved performance and determine how well brain can perform. In too much excitement brain releases alpha or theta and hence to pay attention on any job is not possible. One study has shown that rock music can reduce hyperactivity (Cripe, 1986). Purpose of the study is to determine whether high visual or audio arousal affects person’s capability of answering questions of SAT passage. The rationale is to find out the affect of visual and audio arousal on psychological functioning of mind during the process of deep thinking and understanding. Hypothesis Red color has high visual arousal and can impair person’s thinking process and delay their responses to answer questions of SAT passage. Method Participants Fourteen (6 male and 8 female) UCLA undergraduates participated in the experiment as a requirement to complete the class. Participants was restricted to any individual who were native English speakers, did not have a language related disability, and were not red colorblind. The mean age of participants was 23 years old with a range of 20-25 years. Materials The stimuli used in this experiment were four package of Standardized Test (SAT) question, two stop watch, two copies of instruction, two speaker and two separated rooms. Each package has 8 SAT ‘fill in the blank’ questions with same level of difficulty. We are having 16 different packages with different reading passage but the same level of difficulty. The questions were taken from the SAT preparation by Barron’s Verbal Section. We divided participants randomly into four different groups. Each group consist 4 participants and each participant will experience the same set of question but in different order. This will prevent the order effect. There are four different sets of order used in this experiment. There are Punk music – red color, Classical music – red color, Punk music – neutral color, Classical music – neutral color Eight of them are with the classical music and eight of them are with rock music. For visual arousals we also test with the red and neutral color. Eight of them are with red color and eight of them with neutral color. After sometime each group will be exposed to one condition one by one.   Group 1 will be exposed to Audio (rock), Group 2 to Audio (classic), Group 3 to red color and Group 4 to white color. The group that were exposed to rock music while the remaining two groups were exposed to red color and then asked to answer another list of questions from the SAT passage. Procedure This experiment is 2X2 within-subject experiment. Participants were assigned to all of the four with within-subject experimental conditions: the Punk-Red, Punk-White, Classical-Red and Classical-White. Anagram performance served as the dependent measure. The general ability is the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) score. Balanced latin square is used in order to avoid specific items effect and order effect. Therefore, in each group they will not be exposed to the same things.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Participants tested individually by an experimenter for blindness. Participants were randomly assigned to the experimenters in this and all subsequent experiments were aware that color played a role in the experiment, but they remained unaware of the color hypotheses throughout the data collection process. Participants are divided into four groups with 4 individuals per group. Each participant will be offered to do questions under normal environmental condition.   Balanced Latin square setup will be used to determine which set of experiments will be used for each group participants. Two groups were to be selected for color arousal and two for music arousal. All the participants in the 4 groups were offered to solve questions from SAT passage while time for each participant was noted. After sometime two groups were exposed to rock music while the remaining two groups were exposed to red color and then asked to answer another list of questions from the SAT passage. Subjects of Audio arousal (Rock vs. Classical music) Good hearing capability No reading and writing disability All were native English speakers Subjects of Visual Arousal (Red and White color) None were color blind No reading or writing disability All were native English speakers    Participants Punk-Red Punk-White Classical-Red Classical-White   Design This experiment was conducted 2X2 within subjects design experiment so each participant experienced both level of variation with the experiment. This experiment deals with two-way design with two level of variable. There are two variable in this experiment; independent variable and dependent variable. The first independent variable (IV) has two levels. We will be judging audio arousal at two level : high and low. We operationally define this as classical music versus rock music. Our second independent variable is visual stimulation. We define visual stimulation as a color that evokes urgency versus one that is neutral (i.e. red vs. white). The control of this experiment is the difficulty of the question, length of the syllable, time, font size of the words, sample, response type, and presentation style, question order and the presentation style. We also control it by making the balance latin square. The balance latin square is used therefore we can conclude that this test is within subject test two way but two levels and the variable manipulated is the level of arousal. Results A factorial design (color condition: red vs. white) and (audio condition: punk vs. classical) within subject ANOVA was conducted on analogy performance. The result were as follow: Punk White: M 5.21, SD = 1.477; Punk Red : M = 5.00, SD = 1.177; Classical White : M = 5.14, SD = 1.748 ; Classical Red : M = 4.64, SD = 1.64. The analysis revealed an effect of premanipulation analogy performance on analogy performance, F (1,13)   = 0.511 The result indicate there are no main effect and no interaction. Our studies show that rock music and red color is arousal and does distract person’s attention to perform particular work. However, the impact of red color is not as extensive as rock music. There was statistically significant difference between the results produced under control condition and rock music arousal. The answers produced during rock music arousal were not correct or either left blank because of arousal and distraction created by the music. Participants with white background color white threat performed significantly better compared to red color. Participants with punk music performed better compared to classical. PW > CW  Ã‚   and PR > CR PW > PR  Ã‚  Ã‚   and CW > CR Discussion Small discrepancies in the results and experiment might have affected our results. Our predictions were made solely on the basis of previous studies. However, current results due to several reasons. Those who were exposed to classical music deviated and their attention was grasped in listening music, hence they performed poorly on the test. Due to the reason that they were not able to concentrate on reading the passage as music was on. However, punk music didn’t grasp their attention as classical music, hence, their performance was better while they were hearing punk music. In order to make it better we believe next time we should have be a better research protocols. We need to have a better stimulation and prediction of another variable such as the confounding variable, internal validity and the other. It might be because of the confusion created while answering questions or because questions were not well ordered. Some had similar pattern and some have different pattern. Some of the questions have one fill in the blank and some have two fill in the blanks. One variable like color of the paper itself is a variable and can affect performance and create confusion. We also have a problem with the internal validity with the visual stimulation. There are two level of problem in this case. The first one is the sound of the music. We didn’t have a standard for the sound, about the loudness (how loud we want). For e.g. when we played punk music, we played it too loud but when we played classical music, it was not as loud as the punk therefore we believe some variations in the result were due to lack of internal validity. One more thing that can affect our experiment results is that punk music has lyrics and the classical didn’t have any lyrics at all. Some of the participants when they came out from the punk-music room with lyrics and enter the classical-music room with no lyrics, the participants psychologically will be wondering about the lyrics. Some of the participants can study or concentrate with lyrics and some of them cannot. Mostly with lyrics music ‘on’ it is harder to answer the questions because our brain function is divided into two. It is hard to focus for two things. Results with the red color show worst performance, hence, when punk-music and red color both were used, the performance was worst of all other group sets. The reason for this is evident that it is harder to concentrate with such variables that deviate concentration and we tend to focus more on the music than on the questions itself. The frequency also gives a high effect on this. There are low frequency and high frequency of sound in music. Color, have a wavelength. Red, have a high wavelength. For example: Red has higher wave length then blue. If we add up a variety of different color wavelength we are going to have white. The tone that we get is analog to the white. Color Red is said to be arousal itself. Red color taken was similar to that of blood or heart. It’s a classic in nature. Red is used as a sign of danger, in normal day-to-day life red means to stop or it’s dangerous to continue after that. Color red is considered as sign of bad. A graph shows arousal in inverted U shape. It means that initially the level is low then it gains peak and goes high and then back to low again. Other errors occurred were that data was not collected accurately and the sample was small not big. Do you want this below paragraph must be incorporated in the discussion? Reference Fehrman, K. R., & Fehrman, C. (2004). Color: The secret influence (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Goldstein, K. (1942). Some experimental observations concerning the influence of colors on the function of the organism. Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, 21, 147–151. Othmer, Siegfried (2004) Applying Audio-Visual Entrainment Technology for Attention and Learning (Part3). Retrieved from Whitfield, T. W., & Wiltshire, T. J. (1990). Color psychology: A critical review. Genetic, Social and General Psychology Monographs, 116,387–412. Elliot, Andrew J., Maier, Markus A., Moller, Arlen C. and Friedman, Ron., Meinhardt, Jo ¨rg (2007). Color and Psychological Functioning: The Effect of Red on Performance Attainment. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 2007, Vol. 136, No. 1, 154–168

Grown up woman Essay

Sheila is disappointed with her lover (Gerald) she angry with her parents, because they seem more anxious to impress the inspector with their social position then to look deep into their own hearts â€Å"and can’t you see both of you, you’re making it worse†. She’s irritated at the blindness of those who can not see what she has come to realize. Gerald’s confessions are followed by what is revealed about Mrs. Birling heartless refusal to help Eva Smith. Sheila’s reaction is very very important. Her own feelings of guilt, her changed feelings towards Gerald, her irritation with her parents must be shown. AT the same time the audience must see how she reacts to the inspector as someone who is changing their lives of many in that room. Towards the end of act 2 tensions builds up when the inspectors’ investigation and Mrs. Birlings reply begin to be pointing towards Eric having had a connection with Eva. Sheila tries desperately to stop her mother making a bigger fool of herself â€Å"mother- I begged you and begged you to stop† she says at the end. It is at this moment that Eric appears the panic and distress and helplessness must be shown in your face. In act 3 events move towards the climax and Sheila is a key figure in the action even she may not be one stage all of the time. The inspectors questioning have began to draw out each character an admission of responsibility for what happened to Eva Smith though not all of them feel guilt in the way in which Sheila and later Eric come to see. What comes to light about Eric is deeply upsetting to Birling and his wife. He drinks heavily he’s the father of Eva’s child, he has stolen money from his father. The respectable outside of the Birling family is seen to be full off hypocrisies and dishonesty. Both Birling and Mrs. Birling are rattled. â€Å"But each of you helped to kill her. Remember that. Never forget that.† Birlings reaction too the disclosures about Eric is typical â€Å"I’ve got to cover up this up as soon as I can†. By fouls means he must prevent the scandal from getting known. He even begins to appeal to the inspector â€Å"look inspector- I’d give thousands yes thousands†. He feels no guilt but he only wants to use his money to hide the truth from getting known. The inspector leaves having made one final speech about â€Å"fire and blood and anguish† that will follow if people do not realize that â€Å"we are responsible for each other†. It is one of the most important dramatic scenes in the play. Sheila and Eric are completely affected by what the inspector has said. The senior Birlings feel no guilt they don’t think they have done anything wrong â€Å"it turned out unfortunately, that’s all†. There is no change of heart. When Sheila repeats the fathers last words â€Å"that’s all† she says it scornfully because she realizes her parents will not change. AT this stage you should show through your facial expression and the way in which you speak that your meeting with the inspector has been almost a religious experience. Later on when the inspector proved to be a hoax the others relax but not Sheila or Eric. To Sheila the inspector is a supernatural being â€Å"there was something curious about him. He never seemed to be an ordinary police inspector†. It is in relation to this that the audience must judge the reactions of the senior Birlings and Gerald when they learn that there is no inspector Goole . To you that is irrelevant because he has already changed your life and Eric’s also. He is more then a real inspector. When Birling says â€Å"it makes all the difference† your reaction must be one of bitterness and disbelief as you say â€Å"I suppose we’re all nice people now†. You can not believe that their moral sense can be so distorted. There are discussions later about the photographs of Eva Smith followed by news at the end of a woman who is indeed dead. This is dramatic but the real climax is when it becomes obvious to the audience that the inspector’s message about our responsibility for others that â€Å"we don’t live alone† has been forcefully made. It will remain true regardless of whether the inspector was real and whether there ever was an Eva Smith. It is important for you too show the change that takes place in Sheila Birling through the reactions to the inspectors question your disgraced about the selfishness of your parents and the part you also played. You must show the entire change from you being a naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve girl turning into a grown up woman.  Priestly passes a great moral message in this story and enforces several times. We are all equal and we do not live alone we must look out for each other regardless of social class.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

4 Ways to Sustain Tourism Industry Essay

Sustainable destinations have achieved balance. They have balanced the long-term economic needs of residents with the short and medium term needs of businesses. They have done this by creating a diverse and value-laden tourism product that attracts a mix of domestic and international guests, many of whom are repeat visitors and have made a personal financial commitment to the destination. Sustainable destinations are managed by well-trained and committed staff. They have an up-to-date tourism plan which focuses on sustainable tourism. They have the personnel, resources, and political commitment to implement and monitor the plan. Achievements are tracked and made public. Tourists are consulted and their opinions are considered in plans. Safety is taken seriously and plans and policies exist for crisis, security, fire, health and safety. See more: Defining research problem and setting objectives Essay Sustainable destinations reinvest the profits from their tourism activities in environmental conservation and historic restoration and preservation. They demonstrate a thriving culture, strong social networks and increasing biodiversity. They show effective planning, substantial land and marine protection, increased energy and water conservation, and a reduction in solid waste per guest over time. They have an effective recycling and wastewater sanitation program that is carefully managed. They have taken steps to reduce the carbon footprint of their activities. Sustainable destinations are internationally recognized, valued by tourists for their environmental quality, and receive increasing value from tourist stays. Assessment We start by working together to establish a long-term view of the destination landscape, identifying sustainability risks and strategic growth opportunities. We facilitate discussions with stakeholders, while utilizing our innovative tools and expertise to develop a clear plan of action. Planning As we design and implement initiatives, we’ll prioritize critical impacts, build local capacity and set achievable benchmarks. Over time, we’ll help you implement these programs, track their progress, and monitor your results. Standards and Monitoring Sustainable tourism standards are the genesis of quality tourism planning. Our place-based solutions focus on the needs of the destination, while assuring that local tourism businesses meet third-party verified levels of quality and sustainability.

Answer to exercises

Why does the Hong Kong Government impose duties on very few types of imports? p. 151 Discuss 12. Explain how the imposition of tariffs and quotas may restrict international trade and rotect domestic industries. p. 154 12. 2 ‘Free trade benefits everybody in an economy. ‘ Do you agree? Explain. Test yourself Refer to Fig. 12. 5. Explain why the supply curve after the imposition ofa unit tariff t is represented by the line abeg (Hint: Find out the quantities supplied at domestic prices below, equal to and above (Pw + t), respectively). p. 160 12. 3 Who would gain and who would lose under a quota? Fill in the following table with a in the appropriate box and account for them.Lose Reasons The importing country which imposes a quota Consumers Producers of import-competing industries The government The exporting faces a quota Producers of exports How do trade barriers imposed on the exports of the mainland of China also adversely affect Hong Kong? pp. 173-176 Exercises Multiple Choice Questions Free trade A. benefits all domestic consumers and producers. B. benefits domestic consumers of imports but harms domestic producers of import- competing industries. C. benefits domestic consumers of exports but harms domestic producers of exports. D. arms all domestic consumers and producers. Which of the following descriptions about trade barriers is INCORRECT? A. A tariff is a ax imposed on imports. B. A quota is a maximum limit imposed on the quantity of imports. C. An export subsidy is a government grant on exports. D. Exchange control is the government control over exchange rates, i. e. the prices of foreign currencies in terms of domestic currency. Which of the following is an effect of a quota? A. A quota shifts the supply curve of the imported product upwards. B. A quota reduces both domestic consumption and domestic production.C. A quota raises the quality of the imported product. D A quota raises the world price of the imported product. 4. Refer to the fo llowing diagram. The deadweight loss brought by a tariff is represented by A. Area (E + G). B. Area (H + D+ B). c. Area (B + q. Under the individual visit scheme, many individuals from the mainland of China travel to Hong Kong. This increases Hong Kongs (1) domestic exports of goods. (2) re-exports of goods. (3) exports of services. (4) imports of goods. A. (2) only B. (3) only C. (3) and (4) only D. (2) and (3) only 8.Which of the following descriptions about Hong Kongs attempts to face challenges in foreign trade is INCORRECT? A. Introduction of the Mandatory Provident Fund to improve the welfare of workers B. Improving productivity through capital investment as well as research and development C. Relocating land-intensive and labour-intensive production processes to the mainland of China and other low-cost economies D. Participating actively in international organisations and conferences to promote international trade Short Questions Country A imports Good X and exports Good Y.Su ppose the world price of Good X is lower than the domestic price of Good X in Country A under autarky. With the help of TWO diagrams, compare the situation without trade and the situation with trade and show the gains from trade. Do all domestic consumers and domestic producers benefit from trade? (8 marks) b**. Suppose the world price of Good Y is higher than the domestic price of Good Y in Country A under autarky. With the help of TWO diagrams, compare the situation domestic consumers and domestic producers benefit from trade? 8 marks) With the help of a diagram, illustrate why the imposition of a quota would benefit domestic producers but harm domestic consumers and bring a deadweight loss to an economy. (8 marks) Structured Questions Trade Organization, China has to reduce its tariff on cotton. Suppose the world price f cotton remains unchanged after the tariff reduction. a. With the help ofa diagram, illustrate how the reduction in the tariff affects the domestic price, domesti c consumption, domestic production and volume of imports of cotton. (7 marks) b.How does the tariff reduction affect the consumer surplus, producer surplus, government revenue and total social surplus? (5 marks) a. Compare the effects of an increase in domestic demand on the domestic price, domestic consumption, domestic production and volume of imports if a country imposes a tariff and a quota on its imports, respectively. 12 marks) b. Would consumers prefer a tariff or a quota in the above situation? (2 marks) Answers p. 150 1. They mainly want to cut the volume of imports so as to protect their domestic industries. Moreover, imposition of duties on imported goods may raise government revenue. . The imposition of duties will raise the domestic price of imported goods, reduce the volume of imports, lower the consumer surplus of domestic consumers, but increase the producer surplus of domestic producers. 3. Many of Hong Kongs imports do not have domestic substitutes, e. g. , water, food, raw materials. Moreover, the image of a free port facilitates Hong Kong's negotiation with its trading partners to reduce their trade barriers. On the whole, free trade brings more benefit than harm to Hong Kong. p. 151 Discuss 12. 1 After tariffs are imposed, the domestic prices of imports rise.By the law of demand, people will buy fewer units of imports. After the imposition of quotas, the maximum quantities of imports allowed are smaller than the equilibrium quantities. As a result, the quantities of imports will drop. As people buy fewer units of imports, they buy more units of domestic goods as substitutes for imports. Hence, domestic industries are protected. p. 154 Discuss 12. 2 No. With free trade, domestic prices drop and domestic consumption rises. As a result, the consumer surplus increases, as illustrated by Area (C + E) in Fig. 12. 3.Hence, domestic consumers of imports gain. However, domestic prices drop and domestic production falls. As a result, the producer su rplus decreases, as illustrated by Area C Therefore, free trade does not benefit everybody. However, on the whole, as consumers' gains are greater than producers' losses, the total social surplus increases, as illustrated by Area E in Fig. 12. 3. Test Yourself 12. 1 At domestic prices below (Pw + t), since the price cannot cover the cost [i. e. the world price (PW) plus tariff (t)], importers are not willing to supply the good.Only domestic producers with MC domestic price will supply. This portion of the supply curve is represented by line segment ae. Since the domestic economy is a small open economy, it cannot affect the world price (PW) no matter how many units it imports. At the domestic price of (Pw + t), since the price can cover the (constant) cost, importers are willing to supply as many units as consumers desire without raising the price. Even if demand increases, the domestic price will not rise above (Pw + t). Hence, the supply curve turns horizontal at Point e (represen ted by line segment eg).

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Development of Modern Transport Aircraft Essay

Introduction This document is presented to compare the two commercially successful and super-efficient airplanes, the Boeing 707-320B and Boeing 787-9. This document will identify the key innovations in airframe and propulsion technology, and also further discuss on why the basic design and appearance of aircraft remain unchanged over 50years. Source: Innovations in Airframe Throughout the years since aircraft was created, engineers are constantly improving the efficiencies, durability and speed of its Airframe. From the beginning of 1920s, the all aluminium structures to the high-strength alloys and high-speed airfoils in the beginning of the 1940s. However as flying becomes more commercialised, people were not satisfied with just travelling at higher speed; they want to travel a longer distance with lesser fuel burnt! Hence, by the beginning of 1960s and 1980s, long-range design air frames and light weight composite researches were developed respectively. The materials used to construct airframe ideally require light, durable characteristics and at the possible lowest cost. The Boeing 707-320b airframe is constructed mainly using aluminium. The properties of having high tensile strength, light in weight, easily alloyed with other various metals, make aluminium very favourable in meeting the requirements of the aircraft construction. Many suggested that they would much rather fly a metal plane then a plastic one. However, as for Boeing 787-9, it is made up as much as 50% of composite material, approximately 32000 kg of carbon fiber reinforced plastic made from 23 tons for carbon fibre. These composites used to construct the B787 is not like any common plastic, it is stronger, lighter and offers greater strength to weight ratio than anything else. The boldly introduced airframe construction weighs 20% lighter than the conventional aluminium designs. This approach allows the airplane to carry more payloads and fly a further distance. In addition to the overall weight saving, moving to a composite primary structure also promises to increase resistant to fatigue and corrosion, reducing both the scheduled and non-routine maintenance burden on airlines. Source: Propulsion Technology With rising fuel prices, all airline operators hope for an engine with low fuel consumption. The B707-320B uses 4 Pratt and Whitney JT3D engines. Each of these low-by pass engines could only produce 80kN of thrust. In the making of aircraft engines in the early generation, there were many constraints. Materials and technology were not developed and advance enough to overcome those limitations. On the other hand with mature technology now, the B787-9 uses a standard electrical interface that allows the aircraft to be fitted with either Rolls Royce Trent 1000 engines or General Electric engines. Each of these high-by pass engines produces 240 to 330kN of thrust. The aim of being compatible to these 2 models of engines is to save time and cost when changing engine types. Departing from the traditional aircraft design, the B787 also operates without the use of bleed air. The approach improves engine efficiency, as there is no loss of mass airflow and therefore energy from the engine, leading to lower fuel consumption. The B787 claimed to be 70% more fuel efficient than the company’s first 1950s-era four-engine Pratt & Whitney JT3D-powered B707 and 20% more fuel efficient than the modern aircraft of the similar size. Basic Appearance The basic appearance and design of B787 appears unchanged from its predecessor B707. The basic swept wing, under-wing engine configuration has served as the basis for all of almost all of the new aircraft’s airframe. The reason is because the way how aircraft is going to fly and how lift is being created is not going to change considerably. Changes and improvements are often instead made on aircraft weight, performance, noise and passenger comfort. Source: Range Equation Breguet Range Equation [pic] †¢ V-Speed of aircraft †¢ L-Lift †¢ D-Drag †¢ G-Gravitional pull †¢ SFC-Specific Fuel consumption †¢ W-Weight (Reference to the equation above) With a given specific plan or profile, the Breguet Range Equation is used to calculate the aircraft’s range. We use this equation to predict and estimate the distance an airplane is capable to fly, accounting for its flight performance and the changes in weight as fuel is burned. The Specific fuel consumption is the measure on how efficiently an engine uses the fuel supplied to produce work. It allows engines of all different sizes to be compared to see which is the most fuel efficient.Using high by pass design and advanced materials, modern aircraft engine is able burn fuel more efficiently and overcome limitations in early generation such as high turbine temperatures. A decrease in SFC would mean an increase in range. Reducing the aircraft weight is always the goal for all aircraft designer. In case of B787, composite CFRP was boldly used up to 50% in the construction of the airplane. With reduced weight would means lesser thrust required. With lesser thrust would means decrease in fuel consumption rate. With a decreased fuel consumption rate, airplane will be able to fly a longer range. The lift to drag ratio refers to the amount of lift created by the aircraft, divided by the drag it produces when moving through air. Aircraft companies have been going towards the direction of achieving a higher L/D design; since a particular aircraft’s required lift is determined by its weight, delivering that lift with drag reduced, results directly to better fuel economy, longer range and at the same time a better climb performance and glide ratio . Source: Conclusion With improved technology, aircraft engines will get increasingly fuel efficient; aircraft will get lighter and stronger. Aircraft will be able to fly cheaper, faster and better. Reference: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Pro's Google Medical Records Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Pro's Google Medical Records - Essay Example Medical information has long been stored by doctors, hospitals, clinics and housewives. Doctors, hospitals and clinics have always used the medical charting system, keeping notes in thick files. Medical information was misread, misplaced, faded, and suffered a variety of accidents. Information was shared over telephones and FAX machines, or more often not shared at all. Bits and pieces would perhaps find their ways to a summer camp director, a human resource department, an insurance representative or some other storage destination, where it would become buried and inaccessible to the person whose body was the subject. Each member of the medical team responsible for the health of a given patient, stored only a limited set of medical information and there was little to no coordination of care (Gassee, 2010). To further complicate the patient’s fractured health picture, given the notoriously illegible handwriting of overly-busy doctors, what information there was in storage was o ften inaccurately interpreted. Without access, a patient could not take responsibility to correct inaccurate information. Inaccuracies became compounded. Google’s medical records storage system digitizes all the information and stores it in a central location, online. All members of the medical team, and patient-designated others, have easy access to accurate information, along with the patient (Seidman, 2011). Accuracy is enhanced by patient access to clearly organized records which, like credit card information or educational transcript information, can be corrected when errors are pointed out. Security, a critical issue, is well-assured with Google. Under the old charting system, the patient could not keep track of who had what personal medical information. There was no way to take information access away from those who had access. Google increases medical information security by linking access invitation, always generated by the patient, to specific e-dresses, keeping acc ess power and access-revocation power under patient control (Gassee, 2010). The patient can always see who has viewed personal medical information. Shared records are read-only (Kincaid, 2009). Probably the most important policy implemented by Google, with regard to use of their EMR, is that they will not share any information with anybody, without specific user permission to do so (Google Health, 2011). This policy clearly puts the patient, and not Google or â€Å"Big Brother†, in charge. Without this policy being in place and assured, those forecasting science fiction nightmares about lack of privacy and loss of self-determination, would have a point. Google is a technological giant. Such a massive undertaking as this EMR represents, requires human expertise and impressive computer capability. Google has more success in scalability than most other organizations. They have more than 2.5 million servers indexing and storing data daily, so they are experienced with this sort o f thing (Gassee, 2010). Furthermore, Google has joined forces with a consortium, to develop a software platform that automatically uploads medical information from home healthcare devices (Kirkpatrick 2009). They have associated with partner hospitals, pharmacies, etc., to link information, for the convenience of doctors and patients alike (Google Health, 2011). Google’

Friday, September 27, 2019

Ethics in Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Ethics in Business - Assignment Example Discussion A utilitarian approach holds that the morally right course of action is the one that produces the greatest balance of benefits over harms in any situation for everyone affected. Utilitarianism aims at producing benefits regardless of whether they were arrived at by lies, coercion or manipulation. This approach argues that; individuals ought to do whatever produces more total happiness than doing anything else would. This means that the morally right action is the one that will most likely maximize utility. ‘The highest good is the good will.’ This is the Kantian approach argument which states that to act from a good will is to act from duty. An action is made good by the intentions behind it rather than the consequences. Motives of self-interest cannot contaminate truly moral actions since an action is truly moral only if it is morally motivated. The major assumption of this approach is that actions that enhance the bottom line are acts of self-interest (this is well illustrated from Hugo’s case). Aristotle and other Greek philosophers came up with the Justice/ Fairness Approach to ethics which states that; ‘equals should be treated equally and un equals unequally’. ... The seven step decision making model is useful in making better decisions. Every decision making model applied begin with identifying the problem that requires a decision making process to be established. The seven step decision making model, developed by Rick Roberts, is detail oriented and it is preferred to have as much knowledge as possible concerning the decision. Hugo, an assistant brand manager for a floor cleaning system, has for a long time been disturbed by the marketing practices in the company that promulgate the physical attractiveness phenomenon. From Hugo’s case, there are various ethical issues that require a decision making process be established and the possible courses of action undertaken. The ethical issues that this case presents are clear. Identifying these ethical issues being the first step of the decision making process, this case is a clear indication of favouritism and discrimination according to the justice approach to decision making. The marketin g practices used in this case promulgate the physical attractiveness phenomenon. Appearance of the company’s products is being depicted through physical attractiveness to serve as an informational cue from which extensive information of the products is inferred. This triggers assumptions causing powerful effects that are beneficial for individuals whose appearance is higher in physical attractiveness and detrimental for individuals whose appearance is lower in physical attractiveness. According to the utilitarian approach, this course of action produces maximum benefits for the company at large. This case continues to argue that it is financially advantageous to use physically

Cloud computing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cloud computing - Essay Example IT gurus administer the fused cloud platforms by means of the advanced knowledge of the virtual servers and the virtualization skills. Infrastructure and applications that promote cloud computing acceptance, attraction of IT Professionals towards cloud computing, and cloud adoption and rejection factors are fundamental. Cloud acceptance: (After reading the slide) let me explain this with the help of a diagram: Organizations that use cloud service can be categorized into three types based on their size; the mega enterprises, the large enterprises, and the medium enterprises. Cloud services used by them are of different kinds including collaboration, software services, desktops and infrastructure, and disaster recovery backup. Here, you can notice that while many enterprises are already using these kinds of services, there is a substantial number of organizations that are considering to use these services, which indicates that cloud computing is growing in popularity. ... nificance and value to the IT implementers because of the benefits its offers that include but are not limited to work efficiencies, support, enhanced productivity, and low-cost initiatives. More benefits of cloud computing are illustrated in the sixth slide. Virtual Infrastructure Cloud computing’s property of virtualization functions most efficiently at the minimization of the cost and complications of the IT operations. There are numerous other advantages that have worked for virtualization that primarily include improved accessibility, virtual maturity, larger data storage capacities, mobility and efficiency. IT executives invest in the cloud initiatives for a variety of reasons including saving money, increased predictability of costs, improved IT customer service, increased productivity, and standardized IT. As you can see in the diagram, the prime motivation behind investing in the cloud initiatives is minimization of cost and saving of money. Increased predictability o f costs and improved IT customer service are equally strong motivators following the saving of money. IT staff supports the cloud initiatives in order to be more efficient, to work with the latest technology, to improve the IT customer service, to maintain a current set of skills, and to minimize the complexity of the job. There is variation among the decision maker and implementer IT staff’s motivations behind supporting the cloud initiatives as evident from the graph. Except for the motivation of keeping the set of skills current, there is a greater number of the decision maker IT staff that is motivated by all of the aforementioned factors as compared to the implementer IT staff. This speaks of the fact that these factors play an important role in the decision making in the IT departments.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Policy Analysis I Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Policy Analysis I Paper - Essay Example They have stated that it is the responsibility of the federal government in keeping the illegal aliens out of the country and expelling those who are in the country. This essay shows the characteristics of these illegal aliens in the criminal justice system at state, local and federal levels. The analysis done at the federal level is based on the data from the United States Sentencing Commission that contains info on the criminal defendants who have been sentenced according to the 1984 Sentencing Reform Act and Pretrial Services Act Information System that contains info of charged defendants having federal offences (Clark & Anderson, 2000). The numbers of the illegal aliens that are in the federal criminal justice have shot up sharply. This is because the border enforcement was increased, increase in inhabitant illegal alien population and better identification methods used for the illegal aliens. Other different factors may also play a role in the numbers of increased illegal aliens in the federal criminal justice. In determining what leads to the changes in criminal activities, Pretrial Services Act Information System and United States Sentencing Commission data are limited. After the introduction of Operations Hold the Line and Gatekeeper, the population of these illegal aliens’ defendants that were accused and convicted of crossing the border illegally increased. Even though the convictions for these offenses increased in other different districts, not the two districts that were the homes of the initiatives. Missing any details on the law enforcement initiatives in the data sets associated with every arrest, conclusions on the links between arrests and enforcements become suggestive. The ability in tracking the level of changes in criminal activities on the illegal aliens will be enhanced if increased data on the aliens is collected. The Cook County analysis showed that the enormous

IS Strategic Plan Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

IS Strategic Plan - Case Study Example Key Findings 8 10. User Strategic Themes 9 Improve Service Access for its Members 9 Improve Service Access for the Community 9 Access to Information 9 Hiring of Facilities 10 10 11. IS Strategic Technology Themes 10 Updating Website 10 Reduce Paper Based Membership Applications 10 Maintain Security and Integrity of Information 10 Improve Document and Record Management 10 Adherence to Regulatory Requirements 10 News 10 Engage New and Current Members 10 12. Strategic Direction 11 13. Expenditure 11 14. Roadmap and Project Descriptions 12 14.1. Members Management 12 14.2. New Members Management 12 14.3. Committee Members Management 13 14.4. Competitors Members Management 13 14.5. Dragon Abreast Members Management 14 14.6. Community Management 14 14.7. Document and Records Management 15 14.8. Function Room Management 15 14.9. Gym Management 16 14.10. Community Management 17 14.11. Documentation Management 17 14.12. Minutes and Agenda Management 18 14.13. Gym Management 18 14.14. Functio n Room Management 19 14.15. Regulatory Management 19 15. Continuous Improvement 19 16. Program review 19 17. Appendix 1 – SWOT Analysis 20 Introduction This IS Strategy will outline key goals based on the defined assumptions. It will highlight area’s that require improvement and a solution that will assist LRC to develop and grow their organisation for many years to come.

HIgh Risk Families Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

HIgh Risk Families - Essay Example (2011), pregnancy can develop problem behaviours and increased substance use in teen around 14years of age. This is because of the confounding effect of variables, such as maternal socio-demographic status, mental health and substance use during pregnancy (p.200). During pregnancy, a female undergoes many psychological changes or mood changes. Even matured females are sometimes face problems in adjusting with such mood changes. In the case of teenagers, such mood changes may cause huge damage to their mental health. Depression, anxiety, hallucinations etc are some of the behavioural problems associated with teen pregnancy. It should be noted that the society and family may not welcome teen pregnancy. Under such circumstances, pregnant teenagers may face some kind of isolation both from the family and from the society. Apart from psychological problems, lot of physical problems may occur to pregnant teenagers. Body undergoes huge physiological changes during pregnancy. The immature bo dy of the teenagers may not be able to adjust properly with such changes and subsequently physical problems may arise. Adeyinka, et al. ... Moreover, â€Å"nearly half of all STIs (48%) occur in youth 15 to 24 years of age. In 2008, 17% of new HIV diagnoses were among adolescents aged 13 to 24† (Morbidity and Mortality among Adolescents and Young Adults in the United States, 2011, p.5). The following table provides a rough idea about the sexually transmitted diseases among teenagers. Sexually Transmitted Infection Number of Cases Human Papillomavirus 4.6 million Trichomoniasis 1.9 million Chlamydia 1.5 million Genital Herpes 640,000 Gonorrhea 431,000 HIV 15,000 Syphilis 8,200 Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2010 (Morbidity and Mortality among Adolescents and Young Adults in the United States, 2011, p.5) Assessment considerations Teen mothers face lot of social and emotional, psychological and physical problems. Because of pregnancy, teen mothers might not be able to complete their school education. It should be noted that the complications before birth and after the birth of the child may not h elp teen mothers to concentrate on their studies. Lack of education prevents them from securing a decent job. Lack of job will create financial problems to them. Moreover, the children of teenage mothers may not perform well in their studies. The intellectual abilities of such children could be inferior to that of the children of normal mothers. Drop out cases are reported more in the case of children of teenage mothers. Along with these social problems, teen mothers may face lot of psychological and physical problems which were explained earlier in this paper. Family theory related to teen pregnancy Family Stress and Coping Theory seems to be relevant while dealing with teen

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Dubai Port World Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Dubai Port World - Research Paper Example In taking this customer-centric approach, DP World is building on the established relationships and superior level of service demonstrated at its flagship Jebel Ali facility in Dubai, which has been voted "Best Seaport in the Middle East" for 15 consecutive years. In 2008, DP World handled more than 46.8 million TEU (twenty-foot equivalent container units) across its portfolio from the Americas to Asia - an increase of 8% on 2007. With a pipeline of expansion and development projects in key growth markets, including India, China and the Middle East, capacity is expected to rise to around 95 million TEU over the next ten years. In the fast-paced world of today where technology is the dominant factor, it is essential for businesses to retain their customers in order to grow and expand. Dubai Port World has been concentrating on improving its organizational performance through a great deal of investment in its human resources. With a fully functional human resources hiring and compensation plan, DP World is one of the few companies in the field that can be looked up to in this field. DP World seeks to establish long term relationships with its customers and for that purpose it has constantly focused on its organizational performance. It is necessary for the company to identify the variables that affect its performance. Though there are various accounts regarding different variables being the most important ones that affect organizational performance, it cannot be ascertained that one of these is the most dominant without proper research. However, the three most important variables whose effect on organizational performance outweigh the effects of other variables are: communication, motivation and commitment. The direct effect of these variables has had proven improvements in organizational performances of other corporations in the past. It is necessary thus, to understand which of these three variables has the greatest positive (or negative) impact on the organizational performance, measured in terms of output and productivity, of Dubai Port World Company. Hypothetical Framework It is necessary to underpin a hypothetical framework to any research for the purpose of meaningful analysis and conclusions. The hypothetical framework for this research will be based upon published research and observations in human resource behavior. The framework for this report would be that communication, motivation and commitment are three independent variables that improve

The Role of Women in Science Fiction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Role of Women in Science Fiction - Essay Example Even in television, science fiction programs such as Star Trek Voyager have been shown with a female captain of the ship and strong female characters such as Seven of Nine and Lieutenant Torres. In fact, the show itself can be seen as a feminist interpretation of the Star Trek universe which was dominated in the 60s by swaggering captains such as James T. Kirk who thought it was their duty to kiss every alien female they could find. Undoubtedly, the times have changed and with them, the notion of science fiction has also developed. In this regard, two novels stand out in terms of how they treat femininity, masculinity and the relationship between the male and the female. These are The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula Le Guin and He, She and It by Marge Piercy. A deeper examination of these novels and their treatment of gender is necessary to gain a better understanding of gender and the role of women in modern science fiction. The first novel which raises some interesting questions about gender and the idea of masculinity is also the novel which deals directly with the idea of androgyny. While we know that stories about titans, giants, and dragons can easily be considered as fiction, we also know that legends are often based on facts. The legend of King Arthur and his knights of the round table is one such instance where the historical fact was distorted to an extent that the fiction became more popular than the facts of history. Nevertheless, the basis of the story was a historical character. In a similar manner, the stories about the future may also be based on developments that are taking place here and now.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Communist Revolution in China Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Communist Revolution in China - Term Paper Example The Communist Revolution in China, which culminated in the establishment of the Peoples’ Republic of China in 1949, was the result of several historical developments of the preceding decades. At the start of the twentieth century, China’s last imperial dynasty, the Qing, was in deep decline. The moribund feudal Confucian system, massive increase in population, failure to modernize, and the proliferation of warring war-lords, made China a fragmented nation. This fragmentation was further compounded by the establishment of foreign enclaves, or concessions, in important port cities by the colonial powers, each enjoying substantial extra-territorial autonomy and significant economic and political rights. In the aftermath of World War I, in which the Chinese contributed laborers to the Allies, Japan was granted the former German concession in Shantung and expanded control of Manchuria. This was widely resented by the Chinese. The social fabric of the country was in tatters: the peasants, who constituted the largest proportion of the population, were mired in abysmal poverty; the unskilled urban workers were also poor; the landlords and officials blocked any progress; the merchants were constrained by the foreign concessions. In this climate of political fragmentation and social stagnation, an intellectual movement for change took shape and consolidated its hold over the educated Chinese. The intellectual ferment of the late nineteenth to early twentieth century may be considered the precursor of the birth of Communism in China. A growing section of the educated Chinese actively agitated for modernization, social change, elimination of foreign concessions and national unity.... A growing section of the educated Chinese actively agitated for modernization, social change, elimination of foreign concessions and national unity. The earliest attempt for reformation was spearheaded by SunYat-sen, who formed the Revolutionary Alliance in about 1905, and then the Kuomintang (KMT), or National Party, in 1912. Sun Yat-Sen was a medical doctor who entered politics with the goal of building â€Å"a strong, unified, modern Chinese Republic† (Cienciala, 1999). He had a strong backer in the wealthy businessman, Charlie Soong, whose two daughters married Sun Yat-Sen and Chiang Kai-Shek. In 1906, the publication of the Chinese translation of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto attracted adherents to Marxism. A short-lived Republic was established in the aftermath of a military revolt in 1912, followed by a changing Central Government, challenged by other regimes and warlords. Thus, the reformists were divided into several factions: constitutional monarchists, anar chists, nationalists, and Marxists. The student-led May 4th Movement of 1919, largely inspired by socialism, expressed the growing intellectual movement for change. The climate was now ripe for the birth of Chinese Communism. The Chinese Communist Party (CPP) took root in the Marxist study groups established at Beijing University in June 1918, under the initiative of Li Dazhao, the chief librarian. Mao Zedong joined the Marxist study group in 1919. At this juncture, in accordance with its objective of establishing socialist allies in other nations, and striking a blow against international imperialism, the Soviet Government adopted friendly relations with China, particularly through the Comintern: the international

Consumption Function Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Consumption Function - Essay Example In technical language, consumption is a function of (determined by) income. This relationship between consumption and income is termed as 'consumption function' or 'propensity to consume'. Keynes (1936) believes this relationship to be 'a fairly stable function'. At an empirical level, consumption function portrays a schedule of various amount of consumption expenditure corresponding to different levels of income. As can be seen in Table 1, when the consumer's income is $0, the consumer spends $60 either from his/her past savings. When the consumer's income is $100, the corresponding level of consumption is $150, which indicates that the consumer's income is inadequate to meet the expenditure. It is only when the consumer's income reaches $250 that the consumption equals income. Until this equilibrium point consumption exceeds income leading to negative saving, and beyond that point the consumer's income exceeds expenditure resulting in positive savings. In Figure 1, income is measured on the X axis and expenditure on the Y axis. The unity line C= Y, which is basically a 450 line, presents a scenario that consumption corresponds to income at all levels of income. The C curve is a non-linear consumption function based on the assumption that consumption increases by a decreasing amount. Its upward slope to the right indicates that consumption is an increasing function of Income. Types of consumption functions: Depending on the consumption pattern of a consumer, the actual functional form of the equation can be linear with a constant slope or curvilinear with a changing slope. 1. A linear consumption function beginning from the origin can be written as C = bY where C = Consumption expenditure, Y = Income and 'b' represents the fraction of income which is spent on consumption, and it represents the slope of the consumption function. 2. A linear consumption function beginning at an intercept can be written as: C = a + bY, where C represents consumption expenditure, Y is income, 'a' stands for the intercept and 'b' symbolizes the slope. The intercept 'a' measures the amount of consumption when income is zero. The value of intercept 'a' is positive, and it is conceptually referred to as 'autonomous consumption'. The term 'autonomous consumption' is used to explain the situation in which the consumer's consumption is unrelated to the level of income (Begg et al 1997). As presented in Table 1 as well as Figure 1, when consumer's income is zero, the consumption expenditure accounts for $60, which is described as 'autonomous consumption' since it is not related to the level of consumer's income. 3. A nonlinear consumption function beginning from the origin can be written as: C = bYn, where n is a positive constant

Monday, September 23, 2019

Moral Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Moral Development - Essay Example Indeed, transparency is very significant in professional and working ethics where it reveals all actions, plans, motives, and data of individuals and organizations to the relevant stakeholders (Learn Well Resources, 2012, p.1). Where stakeholders may include shareholders of certain organizations the directors and management of such organizations should avail all information pertaining to the status of the organizations to enable the shareholders to make necessary decisions on the same. Additionally, transparency is a legal requirement that all organizations should adhere to enable the government make a financial follow up on public organizations. Lawrence Kohlberg is a scholar that concentrated on both psychology and philosophy. He put much emphasis on moral development and proposed a 6-stage theory of moral thinking that advances the Piaget’s theory on moral development. He relevantly interviewed both children and adolescents about moral dilemmas to deduce three levels of mor al development classified in six stages. The three Kohlberg’s levels of moral development include pre-conventional morality, conventional morality, and post-conventional morality levels (Crain, 2010, p.18-20). Level1. Pre-Conventional Morality The first stage of this level is the obedience and punishment orientation stage. According to Kohlberg, this stage is common with young children though adults can also express their reasoning at this stage. Children in this case obey rules in response to consequences of punishment involved. They do not do things because they are right but only obeys what the authorities’ permits. They do not have a societal voice but term morality as an external command from the adults. The second stage of this level is the individualism and exchange stage. At this stage, children value actions in relation to how they satisfy individual interests and not necessarily their morality. They recognize that there are varieties of right things permitted by the authorities with the best option serving one's own interests. Again, they realize that punishment from authorities or adults is just a natural risk that one needs to avoid. As such, their voice is still isolated from that of the society, as they do not identify with members of society (Crain, 2010, p.19-22). Level 2. Conventional Morality This level entails stage three of moral development that is interpersonal relationships. At this level, individuals seek to live up to social expectations and roles. This clearly affects the interpersonal relationship in a society depending on the choices different people make. At this stage, teens see morality as the way people should live and behave as expected by the family and society. They regard morality as having good motives and interpersonal feelings like compassion, kindness, love, and trust. Stage 4 involves maintaining social order. At this stage, individuals tend to consider the entire society while making personal judgments. T hey aim at being responsible, following set rules, and respecting the authorities with an aim of maintaining social order. This stage boils down to one-to one relationship where one considers the others feelings and offers help where they can (Crain, 2010, p.22-27). Level 3. Post conventional Morality This level entails stage five of moral development that involves social contract and individual rights. At this stage, individuals seek to accommodate others different opinions, values, and beliefs. They agree on rational standards to apply in the society. They adopt the common belief where all are entitled to benefit from what they do. Universal Principles is the last stage of moral development according to Kohlberg. He based it on universal ethical principles and abstract reasoning. This stage defines the

Illegal Immigrans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Illegal Immigrans - Essay Example The chief law governing immigration is the INA Act of 1952. This law specifies under which circumstances a person becomes a legal or illegal immigrant. This law specifies the privileges and restrictions of an illegal immigrant. The writer specifically opposes the Maryland dream act, which, contrary to the INA, allows provision of subsidized tuition to illegal immigrants. The INA has a fierce guarded against interference. The judiciary does not meddle into immigration affairs unless in the occurrence of a constitutional right infringement. The president has no power over it. This congress regulates this law. There are limited chances of amendments unless by popular opinion in a referendum. In 1982, the Supreme Court ruled against educational discrimination in a class action suit. Mexican children living in Texas in 1982 filed the Plyler vs. Doe case. The court decided that the children deserved humane treatment. The law is, therefore, no defense for inhumane acts. The writer goes on to refer to the aiding of aliens as handouts to law breakers. Illegal immigrants constitute more than eleven million of the total population (Preston 2010). This is a quite significant sum. This would then mean the US has at least eleven million criminals. The chance that they will one day decide to return to their country is dreadfully dismal. This also emerged in the 2009 census results (Preston 2010). This means they will continue living in the country and bear children. This creates another class of immigrants; children of illegal immigrants. These children would also then be criminals. The process will go on, as more children come forth. These children do not know any other home except their country birth. This also translates to the fact that the probability of these children deciding to go back to their home country is minimal. It would be wise, then, to accept that this class of

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The national state of Moldova Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The national state of Moldova - Coursework Example Transnistria is the language Romanians refer to the land on the east bank of the Nistru River, with the majority of its populations being Slavic, who are ethics of Ukrainians and Russians, although it has Romanians as the single largest group. History of Moldova Moldova’s Latin origin is traced to A.D 105-270 during Roman Empire occupation of Dacia (Present day Romania, Bulgaria and Serbia) when the intermarriage of the Roman colonist and the local population formed a culture. In A.D. 271 Huns, Ostrogoths, and the Athens who were slaves passed through the area. Bulgarian empire, Magyars, Pechenegs and the Golden Horde (Mongols) established also had been swaying in Moldova. In 13 century Hungary expanded its area and established a line of fortification near Siretul River (the present day Romanian); the region came under Hungarian rule. In 1349 Prince Bogdan established Moldovan Principality taking away Siretul River from Hungary fortifications that was originally called Bogdani a, the principality stretched from the Carpathanian Mountain to the Nistru River and was later renamed Moldova, after the Moldova River in the present day Romania. It also became under Mongol empire. ... In 1940 Romanian ceded Bessarabia to the USSR Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic by merging the autonomous republic east of the Dniester and the Bessarabia portion taken away from the Romanian. While three counties southern of Moldova incorporated in Ukraine Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1941, Romanian regained Bessarabia with the assistance of German troops, but Soviets reoccupied Bessarabia in 1944 (King, 2004, p.2). In 1990 Supreme Soviet elected Mircea Snegur as the President of Soviet Socialist republic of Moldova, who endorsed independence from the Soviet Union. In May 23rd, 1991 the Supreme Soviet renamed to Parliament of the republic of Moldova, and declared its independence from U.S.S.R (Kulik & Pshizova, 2002, p.87). Language Development Moldova language is spoken in all the former principalities of Moldovan. But, it exhibits some influence on its grammar and vocabulary from Russian and Ukrainian languages, which it has been in contact for century. In 1859 Latin alphabet w as introduced for Romanian which became Russian province of Bessarabia in 1812.Policy aimed at showing that Moldovan and Roman were different language led to the deterioration in the Moldovan language. Russian loan words were used in technical fields and Moldovan became a kitchen language and Moldovans educated in Russian schools could not easily express themselves in others areas, other than speaking in their native spoken language. Russification and de-Romanization which was more prone in urban areas had its policies resisted by Moldovan intellectuals who upheld the use of their language. In late 1980s, it lead to the adoption of language law in 30th, August 1989 that defined Moldovan in a Latin script as the state language, this was aimed at fostering the use of

Should Children of Divorce Be Forced to Live with a Particular Parent Essay Example for Free

Should Children of Divorce Be Forced to Live with a Particular Parent Essay Many children are victims of divorce in the United States each year. The judicial system believes that, in each case, the child or children that are subjected to divorce should reside where the child(ren) would â€Å"be better off†, citing that living with one parent who provides a more stable atmosphere for the child(ren) would be more beneficial. Others believe that children who are subjected to divorce should be able to choose which parent they wish to live with. Many also wonder with divorces involving multiple children: Should we keep them together? Many judges believe that a child’s voice or preference should not be heard because a child is too young to know what is best for him or her. In most states, the average age is 12 to 14 years for a child to verbally state their opinion on which parent they choose to live with; even then, the judge will not rely on that child’s opinion alone. A judge believes that a child’s preference is only one of many factors in determining which parent receives custody of the child. A judge considers which parent can provide a more stable home or atmosphere, and he or she may also consider which parent is able to earn more income. I agree with many parents that believe their child(ren) have a voice that should be heard. Forty percent of children growing up in America today are being raised without their fathers. My parents divorced in 1986, when I was 6 years old. I didn’t fully understand what was happening at the time, but I also wasn’t able to choose which parent I wanted to live with. My brother and I were made to live with our mom, while our dad had visitation rights every other weekend until he moved to Ohio from West Virginia in 1989. My mom had started experimenting with drugs and illegal narcotics, even sometimes doing them right in front of me. I was extremely unhappy living with her, even though I still loved her. I went to visit with my dad in the summer of 1990, where he had asked me to live with him permanently. I didn’t want to have to choose between my parents because I loved them both very uch equally, but I knew that I would be better off if I lived with my dad. The judge in the case was ready to throw my dad in jail, feeling that he had coerced me into wanting to live with him. Once I demonstrated I had knowledge of the impact of my long-term future, the judge then willingly agreed to let me live with my dad. I spent half of my early life living with my mom, and the other half living with my dad. Most children of divorce are not able to voice their opinion as to who they can live with until they reach a certain age. Instead of legislating law in terms of age, our judicial system should allow children of divorce to speak to a counselor or psychiatrist to voice their opinion, and if they can demonstrate why they would be better off living with the parent of choice, they should be allowed to voice their opinion to a judge. Divorce is sometimes unavoidable, but we should all work together to determine what our children want and who they want to live with. We shouldn’t neglect their opinions just because they are not of a certain age as long as they can show that they know what is right and what is wrong.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Pennsylvania School Essay Example for Free

Pennsylvania School Essay It is my fervent wish to attend the prestigious University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine primarily because of the instant respect that a graduate of this 128 year old institution commands and also because I share the university and I share the same mission objectives and beliefs. I firmly believe that my goal of becoming and exceptional citizen who strives to offer the best available, affordable and even free dental services to those in need will be lent a guiding hand by the university. This is because just like the university, I believe that dentistry is a lifelong commitment that requires a lifetime of learning and discipline that will help me achieve my objective of providing a necessary dental care to the people who need it the most regardless of their status in life and financial capability. Achieving this will be possible for me because Penn Dental Medicine encourages their students to undertake dental researches and education that most often thrusts their students into the center of innovative and improved dental care methods. It is my hope that I will be given the chance to join the roster of students of Penn Dental Medicine who have gone on to become leaders in their chosen areas of dental specialization by attending regular classes in the atmosphere of the school that is conducive to students like me who strive for constant learning. Since Penn Dental Medicine encourages free expression, reasoned discourse, and diversity of ideas, I believe that I can only blossom and reach my full intellectual potential while attending this university because I will be allowed to explore my full potential not only as dental student and future dentist, but also as an individual whose rights are respected by the university as well.

The Lancaster Treaty Of 1744

The Lancaster Treaty Of 1744 The Lancaster treaty took place between June 28 and July 4, 1744 in the old courthouse. it was concluded by Iroquois( the Six Nations) and Maryland and Virginia colonies. The treaty focused on a land dispute between Virginia, Maryland and Iroquois. The dispute was centered on the Shenandoah Valley in Western Virginia where the interests of the populations and the three colonies tended to converge. Pennsylvania took part as an inter mediator with an attempt to play the part of a honest broker. Maryland and Virginia attended because Iroquois had threatened to extract payment forcibly form the frontier settlements which were claimed to have encroached their lands. The discussion between the Iroquois and the Colonial delegates was about the invasion by the Appalachians squatters of the eastern slopes. The Maryland and Virginia delegates did attend because the colonies were claiming the land in dispute. The Maryland and Virginia governors had for a period of two years been requested by the Iroquois to meet concerning the back part lands which they claimed to have aright over them.( James 2008, 45). The Iroquois complained that inhabitants from Maryland and Virginia had settled in their land without their permission. They also claimed that Maryland and Virginia had no right of settling in those land since they had no consent and also had not purchased the land neither. The Iroquois were possible of denying the French people passage through their territory due to this reason of land dispute. According to his 2008 edition James noted in page 50 that, the Maryland representatives said that neither the Great King of England nor his subjects had ever received a claim for a period of over one hundred years from the Iroquois or the Six Nations. Our Great King of England and his subjects have always possesssed the Province of Maryland free and undisturbed from any claims of the Six Nations for above hundred years past, and you are not saying anything before us, convinces us you though you had any lands in Maryland. They went ahead to tell the Iroquois that they were telling them nothing based on those grounds and that they had no pretense to any Maryland land. The Maryland also added that the Iroquois had no right to find out or make claims of any land under whatever title. The colonists were not pleased by the words of Canassatego saying that they were their elder brother or their claim to the American soil. (James 2008, 4). The Maryland said that the Iroquois had a small reason to keep complaining about land which they had first communicated about seven years ago and re communicated again two years ago to Pennsylvania (James 2008, 9). They said that the Six Nations had for a long time never complained about the land and it meant that they had no issue with the possession. The Maryland argued that there was no need to conflict bearing in mind that they were sons of one great king and are as one man and therefore no need to stir up quarrel. They convinced them with sweet words saying that past treaties have always emphasized that they stay like brothers. Through this they further told them that every misunderstanding between them should be done away with in every way through brotherly kindness and misunderstanding. when you spoke about the affair of land yesterday, you went back to old times and told us you had been in pocession of the province of Maryland above one hundred year: but what is one hundred years in comparison to when our claim began?(James 2008, 53). They insisted that the Maryland came out of the ground in a country that lies beyond the seas. They further argued that over hundred years the dutch had come in a ship to their land. They had brought with them goods such as knives, awls and guns and taught the Iroquois how to use them. This made the Iroquois think they were good people and went ahead and welcomed them telling them to tie their ship to the shore bushes.They further liked them and tied their ship to the trees and seeing that this was not secure enough, they allowed them to tie the ship to the rocks and even to the mountains. It was with time that they started allowing them use their land and resulted being the same people with the Iroquois. It was later that the dutch s tarted proving how they though they had actually helped us by bringing the tool; knives, awls and even guns and kept on saying that if it were not fro them the Iroquois could have perished lone time ago. They claimed this as false claiming that they lived even before that and may be in a better way. The speaker Conassatego added that the Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania had divided land amongst themselves and that was the reason they could not even tell how much each owned. The Virginia people claimed that they actually had right to the land since it had costed them a lot including blood. They demanded to be informed of the transactions which had been made and insisted that they even wanted to know the interpreter. They claimed that they conquered several nations including those back of the mountains in Virginia. They told them that what they were experiencing was merely from the fact that they were conquest. They denied the idea that the Great King of England and the people of that colony conquered the Indians who lived there arguing that it was not true. They claimed that what specifically lied beyond the mountains had been conquered by them and that the Virginians have a right to it. The Virginians further said that the mountains are the boundaries between them. They also reminded them of a treaty they held at Albany where they made a fence with the belt of Wampum and said that if any visitors came to the hill they would kill them. They argued that t hat was the same situation they were applying and asked the treaty to be confirmed on that (James 2008, 54-55). They also complained that the Iroquois came and lived to the wrong side of the hill contrary of the agreement and the Virginians never bothered after all they were not in a position to know what the people in the other side were doing. They also said that the Six Nations came and settled along the sides of the road of which they never complained of. They also demanded that the issue of settling along the roads be settled along the grant of the land. That the great river of potowmack and the high ridges which extend all along the frontiers on Virginia to the Westward of the present setlements of that colony, shall be for ever the established between the Indians subject to the Dominions of Virginia and the Indians belkonging and depending on the Five Nations (James 2008, 68). According to page 65 to 66 of the 2008 James edition, the Iroquois said that the Virginians had never possessed land there before. They also said that the treaty of Albany which they know was one made seventy years ago which was made for friendship and treated them as brethren which was by Colonel Henry Coursey.they also said that the other treaty was the Albany of fifty eight years ago in which the people of Virginia gave out their land to their Great King for his protection which was made by Lord Howard. The last treaty they talked about was the one made by Governor Spots wood which they claimed to have failed to recite. This treaty actually prohibited the Virginia to settle to westward of the mountains. They said that as the treaty said before, the Great River of Potomack and the high ridge mountains extending along the frontiers of Virginia shall be the boundaries between Indians and Virginia and the Indians of the Five nations. They said this treaty gave them no authority to wal k on those lands. They said that this is the treaty that they were referring and that it had been sent to their King had no action taken and to add it all some people had copies of the same treaty and still put their claims on the same land. The Virginia said that the Southern Indians also demanded the same land as the Iroquois. The Virginia however told them that they were ready by all means to live as brothers just as before and settle any disputes in a fair and honest way. They told the Six Nations that their complain should be made to the Great King who had the right to remove the people who had intruded. (James 2008, 67). the dispute between Virginia and you is setting up your right aginst the great King under whose grants the people you compalin are settled. Nothing but a command from the Great King can remove them. The three colonies had supporting evidence of how the land in question was theirs. At the end they came in to terms saying that the Connastoge and Sasquahannah indians had a right to sell the lands to the Virginia and Maryland. This is because the lands were theirs at those times but they had been conquered and they belonged to them. They argued that it was by no means that the Iroquois owned them since they have never sold or purchased any land (James 2008, 56). They actually demanded to be told how and when they conquered the Indians. At the end of the treaty, the Iroquois left with presents from both Maryland and Virginia. They were also able to reaffirm the importance of the centrality of the Iroquois confederacy and covenant chain. The Iroquois also at the end of the discussion put marks on two official deeds for the Virginia and the Maryland colonies to signify the extinguishing ownership of the land in dispute. The treaty ended in such a way that both sides were contended and happy of the outcomes (James 2008, 86-87). In conclusion, the treaty of Lancaster 1744 was about settling land disputes between the Virginia, Maryland and the Iroquois. The Pennsylvania was used to take part of an inter mediator and a honest broker. The Virginia claimed the land was theirs majorly because of the treaty of the roads. The Iroquois denied the argument saying that their was a treaty of Albany which gave them no right to settle in their lands. The Virginia further said that it was only the Great King who had authority to displace the people and no other force. The Maryland had settled in the land for over hundred years without any claim. The Iroquois demanded that the Maryland tell them how relevant hundred years was to the dispute in question. Despite all this arguments, the three came to agreement with Iroquois receiving lots of presents from both sides. Iroquois also gave them official deeds signifying the extinguishing land ownership.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Seraikela Chhau And Purulia Chhau Drama Essay

Seraikela Chhau And Purulia Chhau Drama Essay India is a country with a rich range of various cultures and traditions. Each part of India has different ways to preserve those cultures traditions such as folk and classical dances. Folk and classical dances play a big role in the Indian culture as a way of communication. One of the dance-drama folk art that is performed in India is the Chhau dance-drama of Eastern India. There are three types of Chhau dance-dramas but this essay will focus on only two types: the Seraikela of Bihar and the Purulia of West Bengal. Both Chhau styles are masked dance-drama forms that are unique. To understand the significance of this folk art for the Indian community, it is important to first understand the elements and the origins of the Chhau. The Chhau is very significant to the Indian culture because it is both a religious and mythological practise that has been passed on thought many generations. Not only is the Chhau dance-drama used for festive celebrations but is also used as a way to communic ate moral message by the portrayal of stories from the Indian mythology. The portrayal of stories is where the theatrical aspect comes in the picture. The Chhau characters are mute so therefore, movements and masks are used instead of dialogues to show certain emotions and feelings to bring the story forwards. The study of the origins, history, costumes, music, staging, music and performers brings to the conclusion that indeed, the Chhau dance-drama is a folk art that is very significant to the Indian culture and the Indian people. 1) Introduction- Folk dances in India India is one of the very few countries in the world to possess a rich range of different cultures and traditions. Each and every region of India has a unique culture that has passed through many generations for centuries. What I find really interesting about India is that they have well preserved their cultures and that even today, they are still practising certain traditions compared to other countries that have lost their cultures by evolving into a more modernized civilisation. Cultures and tradition can be passed on through generations by many ways like paintings, written scripts, music, theatre and dance. Folk dances and folk theatre play a big role in the Indian culture as they are art forms that are a very efficient way of expression to the community. Folk dance is an art used to convey the local culture, legends, myths and religious beliefs of a specific region and as India has many different cultures, the folk dances vary from one region to another. Indian folk dances are th e products of a variation of socio-economic classes in India. They are usually performed by ordinary people rather than professional dancers in small towns or villages where people gather together to celebrate special occasions such as harvesting, marriages, religious holidays, festivals, birth of a child etc Since in India all those festivities are celebrated quite often if its not every day, folk dances have become an essential part for the Indian culture. Some folk dances which are performed in India also incorporate theatre in their dances. Those dance-drama forms are a rural extension of the ancient theatrical tradition found in the Nathya Shastra . The Nathya Shastra is known as the oldest surviving text on stagecraft in the world written by Bharata Muni between 200 AD and 200 BC. The Nathya Shastra covers stage-design, music, dance, and makeup which are important components for the folk dances in India and also for musicians as it is the only text that provides details about the music and instruments used in that period. One of the folk dance-drama forms that has survived past several centuries and that is still being performed today despite the movement of modernization is the Chhau of Eastern India. The word Chhau is believed by certain people to come from the Sanskrit root Chhaya meaning shadow and since masks forms an important feature of this dance, it is thence called Chhau, which means mask. Among other dance-drama traditio ns in India like Bharatanatyam, Kathak, Kuchipudi, Odissi, Kathakali and a few more, Chhau is a rare and unique colourful masked dance-drama form. There are three types of Chhau named after their geographical locations; the Seraikela of Bihar, the Purulia of West Bengal and the Mayurbhanj of Orissa (Figure 1). This Essay will focus on the elements and the origins of the dance-drama form of Seraikela Chhau and Purulia Chhau and to what extent they are significant to the Indian Culture as a folk art. Why did I choose this rare form of dance-drama among others? Simply because I thought that my temporary stay in India would be the perfect occasion to discover a totally new and unknown form of art for me that is directly related to the Indian culture. Since I am a theatre student, I think that exploring a rare form of art is an excellent way to broaden my knowledge of theatre through different cultures. I chose to write an in-depth essay about the Chhau dance-drama of Eastern India among many others also because I find the Chhau very interesting in the way it combines dance and theatre together to tell a specific story or mythology by using rhythms, movements and masks instead of dialogues like most of the theatrical forms use. Figure 1: The orange shaded area of this political map of India represents the Eastern part of India where the three types of Chhau dance-drama originated from. 2) The history and origins of Chhau: The origins of the Chhau dance-drama are still not certain as is the origin of the word Chhau. The dance is known as Seraikela Chhau in Jharkhand, Mayurbhanj Chhau in Orissa and Purulia Chhau in West Bengal. If we look at the basic differences between the three different styles of Chhau, the Chhau dancers of Purulia wear highly stylized masks, in Seraikela the masks are smaller, while in Mayurbhanj the dancers do not always use masks. The word Chhau is interpreted in different ways by different quarters and persons. Most of the people say that the word Chhau arises from the Sanskrit root Chhaya which means shadow and that the art originated in West Bengal. On the other hand, some people disagree and think that it had arisen from the word Chauni which means camp for soldiers and that it originated from the state of Orissa. The reason being the hypothesis that the word chhau derived from the word Chauni is that the Chhau originated in the mock fights of the Oriya paikas (warriors) who fought rhythmically to the accompaniment of indigenous music instrument . Chhau dance is then believed to have originated as a martial art that contains vigorous fight and acrobatic movements. Since the period of time the Chhau started to be performed, many of the main rulers of the region of Orissa worked for the development and conservation of the art. The Chhau is a dance-drama performed only by men. The Chhau dance-drama barely evolved and today follows the basic principles of the Natya Shastra text and has become closely connected to religion. For several centuries, the Chhau dances have been used in association with the religious festival Chaitra Parva also known as the Sun Festival which is celebrated every year starting from the Chaitra month of the Hindu calendar which is around March-April in the Gregorian calendar. During this time of the year, the different social and economical classes used to come together, from the royal family to the local farmers, to celebrate the C haitra Parva. India is a country where religion takes an important part among the lives of the people. The aim of the Chhau dancers is to worship different Gods and Goddesses like for example Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati for the goal of acting to call for their blessings to stay protected from evils. Besides being performed for religious purposes, the Chhau dance-dramas are also mythological as they are mainly based on the episodic epics Ramayana and Mahabharata. The Hindu mythology consists of stories of Gods, Devas and Asuras. In Hinduism, Deva is the Sanskrit word for a God or a supernatural being, normally resident in one of the numerous heavens and reborn there as the result of good karma. The Asuras are a group of power-seeking deities who are sometimes referred to as demons or sinful souls and are opposed to the Devas. Basically, there is a confrontation between the good and the bad and this confrontation is portrayed by characters in the Chhau dance-drama. However, with pa ssing of time the dance-drama started being used for many other occasions and celebrations through the year in the different states. 3) Masks and Costumes: a. Masks: Characters from the Indian mythology such as Lord Shiva or Ganesh are mythological and therefore, superior to the human being. It was not easy playing such characters using only the human facial expressions and features and that is the reason why in the early periods, different shapes and symbols were used as facial painting or body painting by the dancers to emphasize the characteristics of the different mythological characters .The practise of covering the face and the body with painting gradually gave birth to masks and bright coloured costumes in the dance performances to personify the God and Goddesses of the Hindu mythology. The mask is made not to hide or to conceal, but to expose. As an instrument of metamorphoses, the mask permits man to lose his identity, and allows the gods to manifest themselves with an uncovered face. To mask oneself is to give life to a superior being Masks have been used for many centuries throughout the world for both ritual purposes and traditional theatres especially for the expressivity they add in a characters performance. Masks are often used in folk arts because they are a part of a costume that adorns the whole body and embodies a tradition important to the religious and/or social life of the community. Unfortunately, I was not able to watch an actual Chhau dance-drama performance but I got to experience I quite similar style of dance during my trip in the island of Bali in Indonesia. As the community from Bali follow the Hindu religion, they have mythological stories resembling the Indian ones. The performance Ive seen in Bali was a dance-drama style of performance as the characters were telling a story using dance, movements and gestures to act a story. The dance-drama constituted five acts telling a story using the good ones and the evil ones which is till now very similar to the Ramayana and Mahabharata epics. In the Balinese dance-drama, the characters were wearing masks as well but not all of them compared to the Chhau dancers of Purulia and Seraikela where it is compulsory for all the characters to wear masks. In the Balinese dance-drama, only the superior characters wore masks to express their power and their high status while the other characters were only covered with colourful full-face makeup. As a member of the audience, I can say that the masks helped a lot in creating an epic style of atmosphere on the stage and also in creating a connexion between the characters and the audience which is the reason why I think that masks are used by all the characters in the Chhau dance-drama. The performance that I have seen in Bali helped me a lot in understanding the purposes of the use of masks in the Chhau dance-drama as the Balinese dance is performed for religious and mythical purposes as well. Figure 2 shows an image of the characters in the Balinese dance taken during a performance while Fig ure 3 shows the characters of the Chhau dance-drama. The similarities in the masks used to portray superior beings can be noticed between both dance-drama forms. Even though both forms use masks, the masks are different in the way they are made and the way they look. Figure 2: Masks in the Balinese style of dance-drama. Figure 3: Masks in Chhau dance-drama of Eastern India The Chhau dance-drama enters in the category of poor theatre as all the materials, costumes, masks and accessories are made out of small expenses. . The Chhau masks are made with low priced ingredients such as river soil, newspapers, thin pieces of clothe, little bit of lime and paint. The facial masks are mostly manufactured by the artisans of the villages of the regions of West Bengal or Jharkhand as the Seraikella and the Purulia are the only styles of Chhau that uses masks as a compulsory part of their costumes in their performances. In Seraikela for example, the craft of mask making is an art that is handed down from father to son through many generations. The techniques and the fundamental nature of the Seraikela and Purulia Chhau dance-drama are based on the use of masks. Not only does it add beauty, color and life to the dance but it also evokes bhava (mood) and rasa (aesthetic sentiments) in the audience. Masks have a big role to play in the relationship between the performe r and the audience. In Chhau, every performer has specific masks according to their characters. The Gods and Goddesses usually wear small pieces of decorative glittering materials in the facial masks accompanied with feathers and jewels while the evils or demons like the characters Ravana or Mahishasura wear grotesque masks. The masks used in the Chhau dance-drama are also used to interpret expressions. As the Chhau dance-drama is a speechless form of performance, the expressions given by the masks becomes essential. As the use of masks eliminate any form of facial expressions, the Chhau dancers use head gestures and neck movements to express any sort of feelings or emotions. I think it is really interesting how the portrayal of a story can be done using only body language and masks instead of spoken language and facial expressions. From a theatrical point of view, it is not common and that is what forms the uniqueness of the Chhau dance-drama in the world. The figures 4, 5 and 6 be llow illustrates example of Chhau masks used for different characters. Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 b. Costumes: Like the masks, the costumes are made out of inexpensive local materials. The costumes that the Chhau performers used at the time the dance-drama started being performed are not known so therefore, we cannot tell if the costumes they are using today have evolved or stayed the same since the early years of the performances. Today, the costumes that are used in the Chhau performances are from various bright colors and designs as it is a performance that is supposed to evoke joy during festive periods. The costumes for the lower part of the body differ for the performers playing the Gods and the ones playing the demons. The artists that play the Gods (Devas) characters usually wear pajamas of light colors like green, yellow or red or a mixture of colors to make the characters look more attractive and alive; whereas those playing the role of the demons (Asuras) wear loose trousers of darker and deeper colors such as black. The costumes for the upper part of the body are made out of vario us designs and are as attractive and colourful as the costumes of the lower part of the body. For the performers that play characters such as animals or birds, suitable types of masks and costumes are used to portray the specific types of animals or birds. For example the character of Lord Shiva will be displayed by a tiger skin costume and his son Ganesh with a dhoti (Figure 7). The costumes also consist of many jewelleries and anything that look extravagant as those costumes are supposed to portray inexistent mythological characters. Figure 7: Dhoti Figure 8: Colourful costumes used in Chhau. 4 ) Music and staging: Staging: As the Chhau dance-drama is performed on festive occasions with a gathering together of a whole village community, there is no raised platform or dais being settled down for the performance. With the aim of keeping the traditionalism of the event, the Chhau dance-drama usually takes place in an open air ground where the spectators are divided into sections of women and men and sit in a circle surrounding the area where the Chhau is performed. The stage used for the Chhau performances is decorated in a colourful and joyful style to create a festive atmosphere among the villagers and is usually lit by torches or oil lamps that serve as lighting which once again are made to adhere to the traditionalism of the event. The staging of the Chhau is organized in a style that encourages people from any social or economical class to gather together and celebrate. The fact that the Chhau dance-drama remains a local and traditional event after so many years is fascinating to me as many other danc e or theatrical forms evolved to become more of an entertainment or money based purpose practise than a traditional one. It is very interesting how the Chhau is staged in a way to form a joyful atmosphere in a folk environment. Music: Like other ritual dances, the music accompaniment is a really important part for Chhau. The music style and the rhythm produced by the accompanying instruments are one of the key factors that characterize the uniqueness of the Chhau dance-drama. As the Chhau dancer is mute, the music and the lines sung by the orchestra are really important to introduce the performance. They create the right kind of mood and atmosphere for the scene to be enacted. The most important instrument accompanying the Chhau performances is the use of drum. The two main kinds of drums that are used in the Chhau performances are the Dhol ( Figure 9) and Dhamsa (Figure 10) which are played by local drummers of the area who also dance as they play. As for the tradition, the drummers themselves make the instruments and the tones used for the Chhau dance-drama based on the Hindustani Ragas wish is a Hindustani classical music concept. Ragas have a particular scale and specific melodic movements; their sound should bring delight and be pleasing to the ear. Reed pipes such as Shehnai (Figure 11) are also used by the orchestra along with the drums. The drum beats are important in the Chhau performances because they are used in the beginning of the dance-drama as an invocation to Lord Ganesha sung by a singer from the orchestra. As soon as the invocation to lord Ganesha is over, the drummers and musicians walk in to create an environment prior to the dance before the Lord Ganesha makes his entry followed by the other characters. Figure 9 : Dhol Figure 10: Dhamsa Figure 11: Shehnai 5) Performers and techniques: Even though the Chhau dance-drama is a folk form of dance, it also includes some elements from the classical form of dance of India like the navarasas. The navaras are basically nine emotions that are used in the Indian classical dances and dramas to make both the dancers/actors and the audience appreciate the meaning of the lyrics and the movements that are being portrayed by. The nine rasas goes as follows: hasya (happiness), krodha (anger), bhibasta (disgust), bhayanaka (fear), shoka (sorrow), veera (courage), karuna (compassion), adbhuta (wonder) and shanta (serenity). These nine emotions have been mentioned in Nathya Shastra and all dance and theatrical forms in India use these emotions extensively. As there are no spoken dialogues in most of the Indian dances including the Chhau, the navarasas are usually portrayed by using the eyes, the face, the muscles and the body shifts as a whole. In the case of Purulia and Sereikela Chhau, the movements of the eyes and the face are not possible as it is compulsory for all the characters to wear masks so the focus is on the body movements more than anything else to portray the nine different rasas. Since the Chhau dance-drama evolved from martial arts, the movements are very specific and important. The mask movements usually show anger while the shoulder and chest movements show joy, depression or courage depending on the way the dancer portrays it. The movements of the lower part of the body of the Chhau dancers are very quick and strong while the upper part of the body barely moves and the head rests in a slanted position. Jumping in the air is a movement that is often used in the Chhau performances because they serve as a gesture of at tack in war scenes between the good ones and the evil ones. The kind of jump seen in the Chhau performances is known as ulfa which is an indicator of the physical power and acrobatic skills of the performers. As we can see, the body language plays an essential role in the folk dance-drama Chhau. In relation to the theory of knowledge, Chhau is very interesting in the way that it uses body language as a way to communicate with people. 6) Interview with Chhau master Chandi Mahato: Chhau dance-drama is a very rare and not commonly known form of folk art. Published books and web sources are not enough to properly study this art form in depth and therefore, I thought that an interview with an actual Chhau dance master would be ideal and effective to pursuit my exploration on the topic. As I live in Bangalore, a city in the state of Karnataka in the south part of India, a face to face interview was not possible so I sort this problem out by having a telephonic interview with the Chhau master Chandi Mahato. Chandi Mahato is a middle aged Chhau master residing in the remote village named Baghmundi in the Purulia district of West Bengal. He comes from a long lineage of Chhau dancers and teachers and has trained a lot of modern Chhau dancers including his son Lalit Mahato. An otherwise almost illiterate person, Chandi Mahato has learned a lot from his experience with Chhau dancing and at 67 years old, Mahato has performed in all major cities in India several times. Ma hato is a farmer for most part of the year but he also engages himself in training theatre troupes in India working with the methods propounded by Jerzy Grotowsky. After asking Mahato nine questions about his experience with Chhau and the Chhau art in general, I felt more enlightened about the Chhau dance-drama form. The answers I got from Mahato are very interesting (See Appendix 1). Like most of the Chhau practitioners, Mahato learned Chaau from his father Gurupada Mahato who also learned it from his father and Mahato also taught it to his son Lalit Mahato which confirms that the Chhau is a tradition transmitted from father to son through many generations. Chhau is usually learned form a young age because when one grows older, the flexibility of the body becomes weaker. Mahatos training techniques are very specific and challenging because dancing and acting using acrobatics is certainly not easy. Chandi Mahato persisted on the fact that the specific training is essential for Chhau practitioners and that consequences such as injuries of the performer or misinterpretation of the character could follow after a bad training. Drama is incorporated in the Chhau by the acting of a story without the use of any spoken language but instead body language. Mahato says that he uses a lot of typical exaggerated actions, movements, and gaits accompanied by music and rhythms which are easily recognised by the audience to carry the story forward. The Chhau master Mahato agrees on the fact that Chhau dance-drama as a folk art is very important to their community and cultural identity. Most of the people from those villages are farmers living in poor conditions. Therefore, they stick to this art form to bring joy and colors to their daily routines and they also use it as a way to express their emotions either the positive or the negative ones in a creative way. Chhau is also very important to their community because it is used to convey eternal moral messages. They use mytholo gical stories to convey these moral messages for goal to educate people from those villages. Mahato is therefore stating that Chhau as a folk art is important to the Indian culture and is very significant as well. 7) Conclusion: After an in-depth study of the elements and origins of the Chhau dance-drama, it is therefore evident that this folk art is based on traditional and cultural elements. Chhau is an integral part of the culture heritage of India and its an indigenous dance form created with a typical Indian psyche which is deeply rooted in the scriptures that are followed by all major Indian dance and dramatic forms. The Chhau is an art that is not only used for festive purposes but also as a way of communication with the community to convey certain messages using mythological stories. The Chhau is mostly performed for an audience that is typically Indian including sons and daughters of Indian soil, brought up with typical Indian values. As explained in the film by Vikrant Kishore Dancing for themselves, the states where the Chhau originated from are states in where poverty is a big problem and that is one of the reasons the residents of those states are very attached to the Chhau and work hard on pres erving it. Lalit Mahato who is the son of the Chhau master Chandi Mahato features in the film Dancing for themselves and explains through the movie how important Chhau is for him and his culture. Lalit Mahato said Whatever it takes Ill teach my son Chhau Dance, no matter if Ive to just eat boiled rice; this quote shows the importance of Chhau as a cultural aspect for the lives of those villagers. The Chhau dancers do not practise this art only to entertain an audience but they also use it as a creative way to express their feelings and emotions. It is incredible how the different states of India Including the ones practising the Chhau dance-drama preserved their cultures intact. What we also have to take into consideration is the fact that those areas have not yet been touched by the fast movement of modernization. What would happen once modernization touch those areas? Will it affects their culture? Will they still perform the Chhau dance-drama as it is performed today and would it still be as significant for their culture? Those are questions that one should have in mind. I personally hope that those states dont lose their culture because I think that the Chhau dance-drama is a unique and fantastic form of folk art that should be preserved the way it is. 8) Bibliography: Interview: Mahato, Chandi Chhau dance-drama. Telephone interview translated by Tamojit Ray. 24 Feb. 2010. Published work: Devi., Ragini. Dance dialects of India. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1990. Print. Gajrani, S. History, Religion and Culture of India. Vol. 4. Dehli: Isha, 2004. Print. Schechner, Richard. Between Theater and Anthropology. New York: University of Pennsylvania, 1985. Print. Video: Chhau Dance Performances : The Ramayana:Love and Valour in Indias Great Epic. Google Video. Web. 09 Dec 2009. Chhau dance promo. Youtube. Web. 05 Dec. 2009. . DANCING FOR THEMSELVES A film by Vikrant Kishore. Dir. Vikrant Kishore. Youtube. 16 May 2007. Web. 11 Dec. 2009. . Web Sources: Chhau dance. Orissa Government Portal. Web. 11 Dec. 2009. . Chhau , Indian Folk Dance. Indianetzone. Web. 10 Dec. 2009. . Chhau. Web. 10 Dec. 2009. Courtney, David. FOLK DANCES. Chandrakantha. Web. 09 Dec. 2009. . Courtney, David. Natya Shastra. Chandrakantha. Web. 10 Dec. 2009. . Folk Dances of India. Iloveindia. Web. 09 Dec. 2009. . Folk Dances of India. Web. 11 Dec. 2009. . Kamat, K.L. The Chhau dance. Kamat. 08 Sept. 2001. Web. 11 Dec. 2009. . Masks in Serikella Chhau Dance. Acharyaseraikellachhau. Web. 11 Dec. 2009. . Origin of Indian Folk Dances. Indianetzone. Web. 10 Dec. 2009. . Seraikella Chhau: An Introduction. Acharyaseraikellachhau. Web. 11 Dec. 2009. . Ponmelil, V.A. 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